During the past couple of weeks I have been reminded that it is critically important to understand and know WHY you are doing what you are doing. We often speak about our mission and our vision as a school and as a district. Yet, we often forget to explain WHY it is that we are committing to home and school relationships, individualized instruction, and the whole child.
We listened to a speaker in Powell who shared the clip below as an example of why "WHY" matters.
Let me tell you about my WHY. I grew up an only child to a single mother. I believe that because of this I really became a "people pleaser." I wanted to make those around me happy. At the same time I was the kid that other kids liked to pick on and bully. My least favorite part of any given day was recess and PE. Not necessarily because I was over weight, but because that was where I felt the most vulnerable to ridicule.
I decided that I wanted to go into teaching because I have a true passion for students of all ages. I realized that I liked working with youth. My passions lead to me to teaching high school and coaching various sports. My WHY is just that, KIDS. Enjoy a couple of pictures I took today of some of my "Why's."
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