Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Regional Sessions with APA (Augenblich, Palaich, and Associates)

Yesterday I had the opportunity of attending a "listening session" hosted by APA in Cody.  It was wonderful to have our board well represented, administration, and teachers at this meeting.  I want to give you a quick run down on some of the basics.  If you want to hear more about it, listen to the new podcast that will be posted in the next couple of days.

APA was seeking feedback from educators in regards to two different topics: the "basket of goods" (listen to a prior podcast for more information on what that is) and the funding of the "basket of goods."  Being well represented, PCSD 16 was able to share on both topics.

Of particular interest to me was the way that APA is going to go about collecting and analyzing information to make a recommendation to the recalibration committee (again, more information on recalibration in several prior posts.) Here is what they told us.

APA will use 5 different techniques to collect data:
  1. Adequacy Study:  This study attempts to identify what it will take to get all students to the state standards and then cost out what that would take.  (This is the only system that was used by Picus and Oden - the former consultants).  
  2. Evidence Based Model:  This model is accomplished by researching out what best practices are and what it would take to fund it.
  3. Professional Judgement: In this technique, educators are brought together with the consultants in small groups to share what the ideal district and school would need to meet state standards and then APA would calculate what that cost would be.  
  4. Successful Schools: Here APA will examine schools who are having success in the state and and determine what factors are leading to their success and determine what the cost would be to duplicate those efforts in other schools.  
  5. Statistical Model:  This model would use many multiple data points that are then loaded into a computer which uses algorithms to determine cost of education.  They indicated that this model takes so many data points that they may not be able to provide this in the timeframe that they have.  
I was somewhat impressed to hear that there are so many different ways that they are going to look at funding education in the state of Wyoming.  I found the consultant to be very attentive and truly wanting to seek input.  I echo the statement of an educator who spoke in a session when she said, "Thank you for listening to us.  I hope that your report will reflect what we saw tonight."

So, exactly what did we see?  We heard from a lot of educators about the importance of various programs from STEM, librarians, to extra-curricular.  We heard from parent groups who supported education.  The common thread was; our students are the most valuable resource that Wyoming has, and their education needs to be funded appropriately.  Amen to that!

Now the question is, how can you get involved?  It really is pretty simple - there is a survey that you can take that will go directly to APA.  They indicated that all information will be kept confidential.  But they want to hear the success stories of Wyoming schools and why it was successful.  Now is the time for us to tell our story to someone who is willing to listen.  Now is the time for us rally the troops to support small rural schools (yes, consolidation is still being talked about).  Now is the time for us to demonstrate that we understand that the money well has dried up and show that we are willing to look at how we can be a partner in the solution, but not at the expense of our school and our student's opportunities.  Now is the time for us to convey to APA what having local control of our community school means.  So I implore you to find the time to share your story (be it good or bad).  

You can take the survey by clicking HERE or by going to the legislative website.   

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