Friday, July 28, 2017

Talk to the Sup PODCAST 002: What exactly do you do in the summer?

This week I discuss what happens in the district office during the summer months.  Trust me, it is as busy as any other time of the year!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

2017-2018 School Calendar

Please remember that holidays are fixed dates, but testing dates may change.  

School Finance Recalibration

Lat week I spoke about the process Park County School District #16 uses to create and implement a budget.  There is a similar process that takes place at the state level.  As the state receives funds from the federal government and local sources (mineral rights 70% and taxes 30%) the legislature determines how those funds are to be divided up.

For the past, I don't know how many, years a consultant has been used to guide the legislature in this process.  That company is called Picus Odden, and Associates.  They provide data on current trends and make recommendations on how the state can effectively spend as well as save money.  This model has provided our education system with the current structure we are in as well as some of the wonderful perks the students of Wyoming have received (small class sizes, technology, etc).

During this past legislative session it was determined to seek out a different consultant to provide this information and guidance.  Recently a new firm, Augenblick, Palaich, and Associates has been named as the consultant.  The Joint Education Committee has also chosen to include input from a group of educational organizations to provide input from the educators in the state.  They have also set up several meetings around the state to gather additional input.  We plan on having a representative or two from Park #16 in attendance to remind our legislators about the unique needs and characteristics of small schools.

If you want to follow some of the events of the recalibration process you can follow the Select Committee on School Finance Recalibration at

There you can find meeting minutes, future agendas and names of the Senators and Representatives who serve on the committee.  I would encourage you to reach out to our local representatives to share your perspectives on school finances and the needs of small districts and schools.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Preparing for my first board meeting

I think that there are certain "firsts" that occur in any career and in life as a whole.  As a superintendent there are many firsts that come and go as you learn a new position and roll within the school system.  For me the first board meeting has been one I've stressed over and have some anxiety in preparing for.  Not only is tonights board meeting my first, it is also our budget hearing for the new fiscal year.

I consider myself very blessed to work with so many wonderful people who have made this an easy first.  I also consider the stewardship over public funds to be one of the most critical elements of leadership of the district.  

The process that is used here in Park 16 is a good example of doing things the right way.  Teachers and staff are all asked to submit their budget requests in the Spring.  These requests are reviewed and tentatively approved by the superintendent.  I observed as our former superintendent carefully weighed the value of each request with student success and overall improvement of the district.  I observed as our business manager tediously reviewed each request and compared it with prior years and current year numbers.  Tonight I will observe as our school board officially approves the projected expenditures.

I am glad to be in this system where multiple points of input are sought after and there are multiple checks and balances to ensure that funds are used appropriately.

For those of you who may not be in education, school finance can often be a little confusing.  School funds come from Federal, State, and local sources.  Within each of the funding sources there are requirements and limitations that the school and district must adhere to.  I think of it as a household budget that allocates funds for various activities.  We can't move money from our "utilities" category to "entertainment."  (Well I guess we could, but the consequences would be harmful.) Likewise, in the school budget we must spend certain dollars on certain things and there are only certain dollars that we have flexibility with in it's spending.

I am proud to know that our district is in a financially sound state.  As the Wyoming economy continues to fluctuate we will continue to look for avenues to trim our spending and keep our district financially sound.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Talk to the Sup PODCAST 001: Registration and Ecplise

Click Here to Listen
In this first episode of Talk to the Sup Superintendent Ogden shares information about high school registration and the first day of school.  Find out a little information about Superintendent Ogden and what to look forward to in future episodes.

Monday, July 17, 2017

High School Registration

High School Registration for Classes

August 3, 2017

10:00 AM - Seniors
10:00 AM - Juniors
1:00 PM - Sophomores
1:00 PM - Freshmen

Eclipse 2017

The 2017-2018 School Year will begin on August 21st, the same day as the Solar Eclipse.  We are busy planning various activities for our students and staff.

The Eclipse will begin at 10:19 AM with 99% totality at 11:39 AM and the conclusion of the eclipse at 1:03 PM.  The (almost) full eclipse will last only about 2 minutes total.  Due to not being in the path of totality, it is important that those viewing the eclipse have certified protective glasses to view any part of the event.  We have purchased a set of glasses for every student and staff member.

We would love for you to join us for the viewing on the football field at 11:30 AM.  If you plan on joining us, please bring your own safety glasses and check in at the office.

If you want more information regarding the eclipse NASA has the best resources.  Here is a link to their eclipse page.

Happy viewing!!!

PCSD16 the Worlds Best District

As the newly hired Superintendent at Park County School District #16 in Meeteetse Wyoming, I am confident to say that we have the world's greatest community, best teachers and staff, and by far the most superb students.  My family and I are proud to call Meeteetse home.
Over the coming days, weeks, months and years I hope to have each of you as a partner in ensuring that all of our students experience success and joy in their schooling.

Talk to the Sup PODCAST 046: Activities Director Duties and Advice

  In this episode , superintendent Ogden talks with Kelsey Scolari, Meeteetse School Activities Director.  Kelsey talks about some of the du...